Saturday, May 19, 2012

Pause for the cause…

I hate to sound like a tattle tale, but Janet skipped her workout today! 

Shhhhhhhh!  She would get mad if I told you guys.  Today there is a bridal shower for my youngest, and following the festive event my daughter, who lives in NC, and 4 other young ladies will be crashing on the farm.  Hence Janet's practice seemed to fall by the wayside so she could prepare the house for the coming invasion.  Which, by the way, I am really looking forward to!  They are a great group of young people, and tonight I am sure there will be music and frivolity on the deck!   The farm should be rockin’!

The Farm Deck

Tomorrow will be a solemn day for the family.  One of our children’s best friends lost his life as part of Iraqi Freedom in 2004. Every year the community remembers and honors him and another local young man with a motorcycle ride.  Every year the number of participants grows.  I think with the beautiful weather forecasted for VA tomorrow this ride should be well into the 1000s of bikers.  Janet will be riding on the back of her cousin’s bike for the 30 mile ride to remember a very special kid.  We miss you Nick! 

My bet Janet will miss her swim tomorrow, but it has been 33 years since she has been on a bike and this ride is very important to her.

A quick story to tie all of this together…  

Tom & Janet in 1979 - When we lived in Puerto Rico

It was 33 years ago that the cruise ship Angelina Lauro was totally destroyed by fire tied to the dock in St Thomas.  I was in the Coast Guard at the time and flew over as crewman on helicopter for medical evacuations if needed.  A week or two after the harbor fire Janet and I were on island.   We rented a scooter to zip around STT and go over STJ.  (First visit to St John - April 1979).  Janet a seasoned biker turned over driving responsibilities to her novice, but well meaning, husband of 6 months.   Well I did ok... until…. we stopped at the overlook to look down on the carcass of the burnt ship.  In my excitement to take a picture, I jumped off the bike causing the scooter’s muffler to fall on my sweetie’s leg.  To this day she still has a mark on her leg!   Guess what… she has never been on a bike with me since.  Come to think of it… that was the last time I drove anything with a motor and two wheels.

Don’t worry team Janet is pumped and will be ready! 
Swim Janet Swim! 

... i wonder what ever happened to that picture of the ship... i know where to find the burn mark, but not the picture...


Please Consider Supporting Janet and donate to her "Race for a Reason" fundraising goal
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